Discover Our Selected Projects


We take great pride in providing high quality file management and document control services, and we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations every time. Our references demonstrate our commitment to delivering professional, efficient and effective solutions to meet the needs of our clients.

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Data Center Project (Taiwan)

Project Overview

A data center located in Changhua County, about three hours down the coast from Taipei, Taiwan.

Our Scopes

WENHO is currently providing documentation management services for a retrofit and new construction projects simultaneously. We are supporting project documentation management work, including:

  • Document/ Project Closeout Task
  • Archiving Task
  • File Migration Task
  • Access Management Task
  • Auditing process during design/construction and reviewing final documents
  • Performing tasks in full collaboration and coordination with data center stakeholders
  • Implementing change management processes and practices to minimize inaccurate data

National Central Library (Taiwan)

Project Overview

Starting in 2017, the National Central Library (NCL) began an ambitious digitization project and is still supported today. This client’s goal was to organize over 5,000,000 digital documents and do metadata control. This is the largest digitalization of documents in NCL’s history. In this project, there are over 40 team members used to build up this system and maintain it.

Our Scopes

WENHO provided document audit management services to ABORD for the project since 2021. Our work scopes include:

  • Document audit
  • Documentation requirements review and update
  • Quality control
  • Training for improving documentation quality

Wind Energy Consultant(Denmark)

Project Overview

In 2022, WENHO secured a signed partnership with a Danish Wind Power Consulting Firm, with WENHO acting as a file management consultant.

Our Scopes

WENHO provides file management consulting services for the client to ensure that the problems with their internal file management system and the staff’s difficulties in using the system can be precisely resolved.

Our work scopes include:

  • File management system maintenance
  • File permission maintenance
  • File system related training
  • File risk monitoring

Our consultants have a proven track record of successfully completing projects.

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